Home Global Suppliers Inorganic Treatment - 3 Suppliers

Inorganic Chemical, Water Treatment Chemical, Food Additive, Detergent Raw Material, Organic Chemical, Water Treatment Equipment ...


Nanjing  Jiangsu  China  

Nanjing Jiangsu China

Effective, natural and non toxic, Ecosorb products are scientifically formulated to neutralize organic and inorganic odor molecules. Multiple mechanisms are applied depending on the Ecosorb product used. Additives suppress emissions, airborne treatment absorbs and reacts with odors, the spray gel both suppresses and absorbs. No matter the Ecosorb product being used, a neutral atmosphere is created, free of odors ...


Long Grove  Illinois  USA  

Long Grove Illinois USA

Nai Hsin the Method of Metallic Surface Treatment different with usual electro plating, adopting metallic Zn al scaling & special inorganic monomer, with high temperature proceeding, the oxygen & moisture in the air be isolated with this Zn al inorganic coating, Organic Products ...



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